Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Is this a good Independent Junior Recruiter job offer for me in the human resources field?

For independent Recruiters out there recruiting in the medical, accounting and IT industries. How would you rate this job offer I received for recruiting for the medical, accounting and IT industries.

1) Cold calling developing my own accounts, in other words no job orders will be issued to me. I have to find my own job orders for my candidates.

2) Work from home

3) Entry level with training

4) Of Course recruiting, matching candidates, screening, qualifying, etc.

5) 50% commission split on first 2 placements and after 60% on all future placements, even though I have to prospect to get the job orders and on top of that recruit.

I am new to this industry but I%26#039;ve always thought that recruiters suppose to only recruit and NOT find job orders also... I guess I%26#039;m wrong... Finding job orders and recruiting is a little difficult I think because you are doing 2 different jobs at 1 time.|||Depends on your networking, you have to be close to H.R. people who get many of these cold calls daily. They normally only work with agencies they have worked with in the past.

You have your work cut out for you.|||In agreement with Squat. I%26#039;ve been in HR for a little over 15 years. We normally deal with agencies and recruiters we are familiar with or recommended through our HR network contacts. As Squat stated you have your work cut out for you. I did recruiting for a year and I would never do it again.

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