Monday, April 26, 2010

How can a butterfly stand out in a crowded job market?

I am bright, creative, and have had more jobs than I can count. I have supported the careers of two husbands without regard for my own career path. I have move around, jumping from one job to the next. I have had jobs with incredible responsiblity and little pay.

Now I%26#039;m 45, divorced and unemployed due to medical issues and difficulty to adapt to my former employer%26#039;s office culture. My self-esteem is at an all-time low. What can I do to get in the race?|||When we lose our jobs or lose our status the thing to remember is not to get upset, become bitter or resentful, or lash out and blame others. After we have dried our tears, we have to bounce back, accept the loss, reinvent ourselves and move on.

Perhaps, we need to change our attitudes and shift our paradigms; perhaps we need to confront our values, or learn new skills. Perhaps, we need to get honest feedback on our performance, on our work behaviors and attitudes to identify our strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement. Perhaps we need to retool ourselves. Perhaps we need to leave our present organization when we are no longer happy and fulfilled in what we are doing.

When we find ourselves in this situation we have to plan our career. Career planning is a deliberate process of knowing WHO we are so that we can be sure WHERE we want to go or WHAT we want to be at some defined point in the future. It involves an analysis of career/job options that are new to you. Career analysis is based on accurate, valid and timely information from --- reading, interviewing primary resources persons and direct observation of those persons while doing their job.

Here are some sites, which can help you plan your career.

Job Hunters Bible - My favorite. I have taught their system to hundreds of people with great results. Richard N. Bolles, America%26#039;s dean of Career Consultants, heads the company and is also the author of the book, %26#039;What Color Is Your Parachute.%26#039; This book should be available in your library.

Careers for the ‘People Person’



U. S. Department of Labor Occupational Outlook Handbook

The Princeton Review Career Quiz - Free. A brief 24-part questionnaire related to the Birkman Method, with intriguing career suggestions.

The RHETI Test - Free. Related to the Enneagram


Tests for Sale

Analyze My Career - Aptitude tests, personality tests, occupation interests, entrepreneurial index.

John Holland%26#039;s Self-Directed Search

Other Career Tests and Sites

Peace and every blessing!|||Check

Great advice and materials that really helps in the job search and in advancing your skills. They cover things like leadership, how to manage and be managed, office communication etc. You even get a phone number to speak to the owner on their advice line. He is a successful Wall St. type and is very knowledgeable. Another great point is that it is low cost(about $30). I found them very helpful.

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