Monday, April 26, 2010

What are questions asked for a resteraunt job interview?

I%26#039;m planning on applying for a job at Burger King, and this is my first job. What are questions they will ask you, and what are some good answers?|||Well this always gets me the job, when they ask why do you want to work here or what made you interested in this job always say: %26quot;Im a customer, I love coming here to eat so I know I%26#039;d love to work here!%26quot; that sinches it and also when they ask you how long you plan on being here never say two weeks say: %26quot;When I find something good I stick with it, I want to go as far as I can go.%26quot; also go here for some other sample questions and answer and good luck now what%26#039;s up with the free fries LOL|||Say %26quot;do we have to keep a straight face when we refer to Burger King as a %26#039;restaurant%26#039;%26quot;?|||where are your plans for five years.they want to suck you in to be an employee for the long haul|||I once had an interviewer ask me what kind of animal I saw myself as. This was in an interview to be a server at a quiche restaurant. I told him a rat because they%26#039;re surprisingly tidy, tireless, and energetic. Not bad, i thought, good b.s.... Then he guffawed and said he was just messing with me in the first place. Needless to say, he was kind of a jerk in the long run, but I got the job. XD

PLUS - there is no shame in honest hard work. Yes, Burger King IS a restaurant, and a challenging place to work. It may not be the ideal career job, but it%26#039;s a great start - good luck on your job hunt!

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