Monday, April 26, 2010

What is the best job for someone who hates interacting with people?

Hi. I hate interacting with people. I%26#039;m socially inept. I was just wondering out of curiosity what the best job for me would be, in your opinion.|||Hi,

Your problem is a simple one. There are three areas you can work and be happy with yourself. These are as stated below.

1. Consider interacting with the dead by working in the graveyard or in the mortuary.

2. Consider interacting with animals by serving in the zoo as a guide or keeper.

3. Consider interacting with darkness by working as a night watchman anywhere.

These three areas fits your desire.

Goodluck|||Factory worker|||factory worker. on an assembly line.|||A lighthouse keeper?|||well! you are made to associate with people . some how you will always meet someone. a security man at grave yard on night shift|||Hacker|||an author/ poet|||in any job you need to be communicating anyway..there%26#039;s no such job where you will be on my own completely. see a specialist if you are socially inactive.|||If you are just starting out, and are looking for a entry level job try the grave yard shift. Most retailers have a grave yard stocking shift, and that would mean little interaction.

or try being a mortician!|||Drive a tractor trailer. You interact with one person, your boss. And that%26#039;s it.

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