Friday, November 20, 2009

What are some important job interview skills?

I graduated college a few months ago and having a hard time landing a job. I%26#039;ve gotten interviews for jobs, but I can%26#039;t seem to get the jobs.

My job field is in the film and television world. I%26#039;ve looked at production/post production houses.

What are some basic and important job interview skills I should know before I go into an interview?|||First and foremost: proper preparation prevents poor performance! Go over some interview questions out loud with yourself. Make sure to shake everyone%26#039;s hands when you meet them and when you leave; thank them as well. Greet people by their names when they are introduced to you...

Make sure you thoroughly understand the position you are applying for as well as the department it is in. Read up on the company at their website; be familiar with their work; you may even be able to see pics of their staff and maybe even the person/people you will be interviewing with. This is really helpful because their faces will be familiar to you when you meet them; calms the nerves a bit.

You may want to bring some type of visual aid with you, something to show relevant work you have done, or something general that you can make relevant. For example a project that demonstrates creativity etc. Wait until they bring up a relevant point and then ask if they would like to see what you have brought.

If you don%26#039;t have much relevant work experience draw upon volunteer or college class work/projects. It will be up to you to demonstrate how they are relevant.

Another good point is to always have some basic follow up questions. You probably only want to ask 2 or three max. At least one standard is %26#039;what do you see as the most challenging part of the position%26#039;; try to follow their comment by saying you are familiar with whatever they say or briefly explaining that you can handle that situation etc.

The thank you note is an excellent idea so try to remember the names of the people you meet or ask for their business cards.

Basically an interview is about marketing and your product is your experience, knowledge, and creativity etc. You want to advertise these things and make them desirable to the company but try to avoid false advertising by exaggerating; stick to your true personality, experience etc.|||Hello lillylovelost,

The most important thing any job seeker should do before applying for a job is the learn what job interviews are all about. For example were you aware that job applicants that send the interviewer(s) a thank you note within 24 hours of the interview get the job most often!

Preparing for an interview is critical to getting the job!

This resource can help:

All the best!


All the best!

Heygee|||You should definitely arrive on time better yet

(a little early 10-15 min)

You should dress nice and conservative(Dress shoes, dress pants and a pressed collared shirt or sweater)

You should be confident and great your interviewer with a good tone of voice and a firm hand shake.Remember to smile and use plenty of eye contact. Oh and have good posture!

It would be a good idea to do some research ,if posible on the companys website, so you can establish some great questions to ask your interviewer about the company or open position.

Prepare yourself for an interviewers questions. Questions often includ.

Describe yourself.

Describe the last time you were in a position of responsibility or provided good customer service.

Why do you want to work for our company?

What sets you apart from other applicants for this position?

Do you have prior work experience?

What do you like about our company?


Remember not to be afraid to sell yourself, tell them why your the best person for the job. Remember to thank your interviewer and leave with another firm handshake and smile. Really just be confident, well prepared, and on time. The interview should go great :)|||Chatting with HR managers or recruiters would help you a lot. I recommend to you, for you can chat with HR managers or recruiters directly there, and you can also conduct video interview. Moreover, you can establish career network there. You cannot miss it

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