Sunday, November 15, 2009

What kind of job could I find with a medical terminology certificate?

I have been doing banking for more that 5 year and I want to try something new. I would like to work at a hospital, but I have not idea how to start looking for a job there. I have a medical terminology certificate and I am currently a Biology student. What kind of job could I get with my experience?|||range for your particular skills and degrees can be medical transcriptionist, medical assistant (where you can obtain pertinent history for doctors prior to being seen by doctor), medical billing (can identify particular signs/symptoms listed by doctor%26#039;s notes and bill the insurance accordingly), even a pharmacutical rep (gotta know the basis of how the medication works and particular medical terminology).|||Try medical records a hospital. You have to know medical terminology. Or a medical transcriptionist.|||You might find a job as a medical transcriptionist, either in a hospital or in a doctor%26#039;s office.

Good luck.|||alot of doctor%26#039;s will out source their medical transcribing to private individuals or firms. the doctor makes audio notes, sends you the audio file, and then you listen to and transcribe all his/her medical records, then send them back typed. i know alot of dotors do this. a plastic surgery and ENT practice i worked for while i was in college did this and actually a friends wife is also doing this noW

hospital are usually hiring poeple with previous experience transcribing for their medical records department. my mom and both my aunts have done transcribing for years. recently my mom and one of my aunts retired but the other is going on like 28 years. i know for a fact all three of them can type at way over 100 words per minute. my mom took a typing test on the computer and it had a hard time even keeping up with her., so i would say that strong typing skills along with a super high wpm ability

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